And a desire to put off doing the dishes, here are four more comics.
I am particularly fond of this batch, hope you like it!
Why am I exclaiming?
It seems corny!
Without further ado, comics.
While an infinite number of monkeys may reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare, they will also reproduce a lot of nonsense.
"I am not a crook"
"Oh say does that star spangled..."
You may have taken the road less traveled, but I took the path.
I enjoy long walks in the woods, reading, and midgets.
"Isn't he cute?"
Feeling Cross?
I am particularly fond of this batch, hope you like it!
Why am I exclaiming?
It seems corny!
Without further ado, comics.
While an infinite number of monkeys may reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare, they will also reproduce a lot of nonsense.
"I am not a crook"
"Oh say does that star spangled..."
You may have taken the road less traveled, but I took the path.
I enjoy long walks in the woods, reading, and midgets.
"Isn't he cute?"
Feeling Cross?
Love the midgets.
Most people are rather fond of midgets, with their jolly demeanor and cherubic faces.
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